ui-primitives - Examples


Surfaces are the basic building blocks of vanilla UI components. There are 4 main types of surfaces: area (default), horizontal, vertical, and point. Items within a surface are positioned absolutely while the surface itself can be positioned as you desire. More...


Buttons represent a class of items that react to mouse/touch state. More...


Sliders represent a class of items based on surfaces and that have 2 types of internal objects: handles (which the user can manipulate within the surface constraints) and marks (which show intervals and tie multiple handles together). More...


Toggles and toggle-groups represent items that have k-ary (usually binary) internal state. Toggle groups tie multiple toggles together so they interact with each other and present a unified state. Examples of traditional toggles include checkboxes and radio buttons. More...


Tree lists represent items that are hierarchical in nature and can be expanded/collapsed by the user. Examples of tradtional tree lists include directory dialog boxes, accordian menus and dropdown menus. More...


Graphs represent set of items that can be freely positioned within a 2D space. Arbitrary connections can be made between objects. More...